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Sunday, June 15, 2008

We've Learned a New Trick

Actually, the "we've" are my other kids...Max and Rosie. These two have decided over the last couple of mornings that Tammie and I are not getting out of bed early enough for their liking. So now they have decided that they will just let themselves out of bed.

Both Saturday and Sunday mornings, around 9am, either Max or Rosie have unzipped their kennel and both have quietly made their way into our bedroom. And when I say quietly, I mean it. Tammie and I are usually half asleep at that time and only remotely register the sound of little toenails on the Pergo floor in the hallway. Neither one of them barks and they don't run down the hall. They are simple out for a morning stroll and want to check in on us.

This is actually the fourth time that they done this. The first time was Rosie when she was sick and started scratching at the door to get our attention that she needed to go outside (didn't make it...sorry Rosie). The second time, Max was sick and he also scratched at the door to get our attention (again, didn't make it...sorry Max. I guess Tammie and I really need to pay more attention).

So know, one (or both) of the dogs have figured out, "Hey, if they are going to let us out, we'll just do it ourselves..." Neat trick; smart dogs! Now if I can just teach them how to open the door to the outside so that I don't have to get out of bed to let them out.

And by the way, Bailey is on the mend after her bout with a stomach bug and bad case of diaper rash. She is starting to act more like her old self, all smiles and giggles. Her eating and sleeping schedule are still out of whack, which is not really a problem for her, but is a HUGE problem for mom and dad (thank goodness it is the summer).

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