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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So That is What Sleep is Like

Bailey had a GREAT night last night. After our company had left for the evening (Bailey's Grandma and Grandpa Burke) we got her ready for bed. Tammie changed her into a clean diaper and I got to read her a couple of books. Max and Rosie joined in on the book reading (actually, they didn't read much. They're dogs, after all...they just joined Bailey and I in the rocker) and Bailey was happy, talking to the books and trying to turn the pages. Tammie put her down in her crib at about 9:30pm and swaddled her. We both then headed off to bed.

Fast forward 9 hours...

Bailey didn't wake up, moan, groan, or make a sound until 6:30am this morning. Both Tammie and I were confused and asked each other if either one of us had to get up in the middle of the night to put a paci back in. Nope! She didn't even get an arm out of her swaddling blanket (which is, of course, one of her favorite tricks to perform in the night). Another diaper change, another bottle, then Bailey and I played for a few minutes (had to give her time to make a dirty diaper). She talked and smiled and had a good time for about 10 minutes, then she wanted a diaper change and to be put back to bed.

I obliged, and she slept again from 7am until just after 9. In reality, the dogs got up before any of us. They let themselves out of their bed at around 9am, and came into our bedroom to let me know that they wanted to go outside. Again, I obliged.

Bailey woke up happy and talking. She actually woke Tammie and I up by talking and singing (loudly) from her bedroom. When I went to get her she was all smiles and giggles and has been that way all morning.

I love happy babies!

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