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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Another Doctor's Visit, Another Screaming Baby

Bailey had her "Well Child" 4-month checkup this last Thursday (it should have been a week ago, but Bailey was not a "well child). Everything checked out and Bailey was given a glowing review on her health and her growth. So, here are the numbers. At 4 months and 2-weeks old:

weight: 17 lbs and 11.5 oz (she is OFF the charts...weighs more than 100% of all babies her age);
height: 26 3/4 inches (again, she is off the charts and weighs more than 100% of all other babies her age);
head: 43 cm (yeah...we're on the chart! But it is still the 95th percentile, and we're catching up...).

It may seem that Bailey is a "big" girl, but she is healthy, she is not overweight, and all of her measurements are proportional to one another. In reality, she is just a BIG girl. Tammie and I went to a baby's one-year birthday party last night and were shocked to notice that, while all of the other babies were around 12 months old (at least one was 17 months), Bailey was almost as big as all of them at only 4 months.

I have a feeling that she is going to be a tall, TALL girl...

Bailey also got her second (or third if you count the hospital) set of shots on Thursday. Boy can she scream! At one point, she was trying so hard to scream that her mouth was open as wide as she could get it, but nothing was coming out (if you've ever read those novels in which they write, "His mouth opened in a silent scream...", well, that was Bailey). Poor girl was NOT happy at all, but I am happy to say that she calmed down pretty quickly afterwards. She doesn't like getting the shots and neither Tammie or I like taking her to get them, but if it will keep our little girl healthy, we'll dry her tears and hug and kiss her afterwards.

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