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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Spamalot...I say Funalot!!!!

If you are a fan of British humor or anything Monty Python, then you have got to go and see Spamalot. Tammie got me tickets to the show in Fort Worth for our anniversary. We made arrangements for child care (thank you Billy and Tyfanny) and headed up north.

Aside from high gas prices (yikes!) our only other concern was, well, Bailey. So far we have not had very good luck leaving Bailey with babysitters at night (during the day, fine. At night, "no-way-Jose!"). So Tam and I decided to try something new. We drove up earlier in the day and met with Uncle Billy. The plan was to let Uncle Billy play with her for a while and let her get accustomed to someone else taking care of her for a while. The results...

Success! (mostly) After dinner, Tammie and I headed out to the theater (insert bad British accent) and left Bailey with her aunt and uncle. There was just a little bit of crying, probably because she was hungry, then everything settled down. The only other hitch was that she wouldn't go to bed until Tammie and I got back from the theater (again...British accent).

The show was hilarious and Bailey was a good girl. Everything was a success and (I think) everyone had a good time. I'm sorry that Tammie and I didn't get to spend more time with Uncle Billy and Aunt Tyf, but Billy has way too much studying to do (good luck, Bill) and Tyfanny has got too much work to do (try not to get bit by anymore dogs...quick hands, quick hands).

So, my final recommendations...Spamalot is coming to Austin next March. Buy your tickets early (the shows were almost completely sold out before Tammie got us tickets) and have a great time. It is British humor and Monty Python at that, so be can be a bit raunchy at times.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good God, We're in Fort Worth

I can't believe all of the cr--, stuff that we had to bring with us to Fort Worth. We'll be here for only one night...ONE NIGHT, and we had to pack our car to the gills with things for Bailey. Every time we tried to get out of the door, there was something else that we would think of that needed to go. This baby is only 4 1/2 months old, and she has THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF STUFF!!!

Holy smokes...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Another Doctor's Visit, Another Screaming Baby

Bailey had her "Well Child" 4-month checkup this last Thursday (it should have been a week ago, but Bailey was not a "well child). Everything checked out and Bailey was given a glowing review on her health and her growth. So, here are the numbers. At 4 months and 2-weeks old:

weight: 17 lbs and 11.5 oz (she is OFF the charts...weighs more than 100% of all babies her age);
height: 26 3/4 inches (again, she is off the charts and weighs more than 100% of all other babies her age);
head: 43 cm (yeah...we're on the chart! But it is still the 95th percentile, and we're catching up...).

It may seem that Bailey is a "big" girl, but she is healthy, she is not overweight, and all of her measurements are proportional to one another. In reality, she is just a BIG girl. Tammie and I went to a baby's one-year birthday party last night and were shocked to notice that, while all of the other babies were around 12 months old (at least one was 17 months), Bailey was almost as big as all of them at only 4 months.

I have a feeling that she is going to be a tall, TALL girl...

Bailey also got her second (or third if you count the hospital) set of shots on Thursday. Boy can she scream! At one point, she was trying so hard to scream that her mouth was open as wide as she could get it, but nothing was coming out (if you've ever read those novels in which they write, "His mouth opened in a silent scream...", well, that was Bailey). Poor girl was NOT happy at all, but I am happy to say that she calmed down pretty quickly afterwards. She doesn't like getting the shots and neither Tammie or I like taking her to get them, but if it will keep our little girl healthy, we'll dry her tears and hug and kiss her afterwards.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So That is What Sleep is Like

Bailey had a GREAT night last night. After our company had left for the evening (Bailey's Grandma and Grandpa Burke) we got her ready for bed. Tammie changed her into a clean diaper and I got to read her a couple of books. Max and Rosie joined in on the book reading (actually, they didn't read much. They're dogs, after all...they just joined Bailey and I in the rocker) and Bailey was happy, talking to the books and trying to turn the pages. Tammie put her down in her crib at about 9:30pm and swaddled her. We both then headed off to bed.

Fast forward 9 hours...

Bailey didn't wake up, moan, groan, or make a sound until 6:30am this morning. Both Tammie and I were confused and asked each other if either one of us had to get up in the middle of the night to put a paci back in. Nope! She didn't even get an arm out of her swaddling blanket (which is, of course, one of her favorite tricks to perform in the night). Another diaper change, another bottle, then Bailey and I played for a few minutes (had to give her time to make a dirty diaper). She talked and smiled and had a good time for about 10 minutes, then she wanted a diaper change and to be put back to bed.

I obliged, and she slept again from 7am until just after 9. In reality, the dogs got up before any of us. They let themselves out of their bed at around 9am, and came into our bedroom to let me know that they wanted to go outside. Again, I obliged.

Bailey woke up happy and talking. She actually woke Tammie and I up by talking and singing (loudly) from her bedroom. When I went to get her she was all smiles and giggles and has been that way all morning.

I love happy babies!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

We've Learned a New Trick

Actually, the "we've" are my other kids...Max and Rosie. These two have decided over the last couple of mornings that Tammie and I are not getting out of bed early enough for their liking. So now they have decided that they will just let themselves out of bed.

Both Saturday and Sunday mornings, around 9am, either Max or Rosie have unzipped their kennel and both have quietly made their way into our bedroom. And when I say quietly, I mean it. Tammie and I are usually half asleep at that time and only remotely register the sound of little toenails on the Pergo floor in the hallway. Neither one of them barks and they don't run down the hall. They are simple out for a morning stroll and want to check in on us.

This is actually the fourth time that they done this. The first time was Rosie when she was sick and started scratching at the door to get our attention that she needed to go outside (didn't make it...sorry Rosie). The second time, Max was sick and he also scratched at the door to get our attention (again, didn't make it...sorry Max. I guess Tammie and I really need to pay more attention).

So know, one (or both) of the dogs have figured out, "Hey, if they are going to let us out, we'll just do it ourselves..." Neat trick; smart dogs! Now if I can just teach them how to open the door to the outside so that I don't have to get out of bed to let them out.

And by the way, Bailey is on the mend after her bout with a stomach bug and bad case of diaper rash. She is starting to act more like her old self, all smiles and giggles. Her eating and sleeping schedule are still out of whack, which is not really a problem for her, but is a HUGE problem for mom and dad (thank goodness it is the summer).

Friday, June 13, 2008

Returning to Normalcy

Things are starting to get back to normal around here. Aside from Bailey's daily schedule being completely out of whack, she (and mom and dad) are feeling a lot better.

Lots of sleep today helped things out and allowed Bailey's body to start healing itself. Her stomach problems are on the mend as well as her bad diaper rash. There is still the occasional crying and fussing, but I think that this is more about Bailey fighting going to sleep than it is a continuing health problem.

Bailey has played, smiled and laughed (to the great relief of her parents) today, and aside from sleeping a lot (actually, all three of us) and not eating a full bottle at every meal, she is doing better. We are slowly increasing her formula intake back to where she was before she got sick, but things are slow going; I don't think her stomach can handle a full bottle in one sitting, so we just feed her less more often.

Keep sending Bailey (and parents) your well wishes as she heals up and returns to the happy (and usually low maintenance) baby that we all remember.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Has to Poop

or Tylenol, Butt paste, and Vaseline...What More Could a Girl Want

Tammie and I now realize that Bailey has completely spoiled us up until yesterday. Once we found the right formula for her, we've had no problems. She has slept through the night and even put herself to bed without much (if any) fuss.

Then the diarrhea hit...

Yesterday morning, Bailey came down with a stomach bug and developed a case of the runs. The real problem with this is not the actually stomach problem, but the resulting case of diaper rash! Bailey's butt looks like a candy apple that has split in two. The poor little girl just couldn't get comfortable all night long, so either mom or dad stayed up with her all night holding her on our shoulders (we haven't done that since she was six weeks old). We even took her to the doctor yesterday afternoon, only for them to tell us that it would have to "run it's course." (Thanks doc!)

Today she is doing a little better. Her stomach doesn't seem to be bothering her quite as much and the screaming (my god did she scream last night) has subsided. We've been treating her with children's Tylenol, liberal amounts of butt paste and some Vaseline. Not to mention letting her hang around naked. Makes for some interesting feeding sessions...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Back on the Grid

After a very harrowing weekend, Tammie, Bailey and I are back on the grid. Our computer went down about 6 months ago (PC of coarse), but everything was okay because I had a school laptop that I would use at home.

No more! Since I took a new job in Hutto, the people in Elgin requested that I turn the laptop back in. The nerve! So Tammie foolishly made the deal with me that if I got the job in Hutto , I could get a new computer (she REALLY wanted me to get the job)

Low and behold, the job is mine (mine...mine...all mine), and yes, we have a new computer. A pretty, brand new, Apple Macbook! (I know, everyone should use a PC, but I say NO! Throw off the chains of your puppet master Bill Gates and join the revolution that is MAC! It may be more money, but dang is it sweet...). I might just even forgive FedEx (this time) for showing up at my door at 7:50 this morning to deliver it.