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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

A day late and a dollar short, but better than never. I hope this message finds everyone having a safe and happy holidays. Tammie and I had a wonderful Christmas day and enjoyed the company immensely, until we realized...


Never again will we be able to sleep late on Christmas morning, taking our time to have some coffee and stagger around the house in our pajamas, trying desperately to wake up before the families arrive. Overexcited squeals and yelps of joy accompanied by the endless requests of "Can I open my presents now?! Please! Please! Please!" will now greet us at the first glimpse of dawn, straining our exhausted and overworked nerves to the breaking point.

It's going to be so much fun!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Even Pirates Fall in Love

Yes...I know it's hard to believe, but pirates DO fall in love (just look at those fabulous Johnny Depp movies...quality entertainment!). Even people who aren't pirates sometimes find themselves loving...pirates. Let me explain...

I like pirates. Always have, always will. I even have a pirate flag hanging in my office behind my desk (and while you may find this weird, just think about it. "Mr. Acuff, which desk is yours," the confused and sometimes naive student asked. And the response..."I'm the pirate!").

Tammie, on the other hand, tolerates my fascination with all things pirate (it's not an obsession...yet!). Don't get me wrong, she likes the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, but she's no Errol Flynn (look it up!). Anyway, to make a long story short, when I found out that we were having a baby (and especially a baby girl!) I began a long (and sometimes painful...Tammie can scream pretty loud when she wants me off the computer) search to find a diaper bag that I could carry and still retain some masculinity.

Hours (okay, minutes) later I found the diaper bag of my dreams...PIRATES! Skulls and crossbones to be exact, but perfection in a baby product. I had to have it.

So again, to make a long story short ("Too late!" Name the movie reference here. The winner gets to babysit...for free!) Tammie had a baby shower this last weekend. Tangent: and thank you to everyone for a wonderful party for Tammie and all the special gifts. Both of us really appreciate everything! (Now back to our blog post already in progress...) This was Tammie's day, but in one of her many generous and caring moments, she got me a present...

My very own Pirate Diaper Bag!

(I'm going to be the COOLEST dad! What daughter wouldn't want a land pirate for a dad?!)

P.S. -- my mom didn't want to get me this fabulous product. She was looking out for Little Baby Acuff, and I understand (something about humiliation and getting beat up...I don't know if she was talking about me or Little Baby Acuff). I still love you, mom (but I'm keeping the bag!).

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Time Has Come...

...for everyone to dish out! I kid, I kid.

Seriously, tomorrow is Tammie's "Baby Shower" (imagine that strange ethereal voice announcing 'baby shower' in your head) and she is excited. Every day holds moments of joy and utter terror when we think about what is in store for the future, but tomorrow is Tam's day to sit back and revel in the joy that will soon be motherhood.

Apparently, two of Tammie's great friends, Erin and Katie, have been spending quite a time together organizing things for tomorrow. And for that, I am truly grateful. (Tammie is as well, but I'm the one writing this blog...Tammie will express her gratitude tomorrow. I wasn't invited.) I am thankful that we have such wonderful friends and family that we can share our joys (and fears) with. Everyone has been loving and encouraging, especially to Tammie. And she deserves it (she's been doing all of the work so far...).

We had another doctor's visit on Thursday. We didn't actually see our regular doctor. He was stuck in surgery and was not back in time for our visit, but we were lucky enough to see another wonderful doctor (please don't ask her name; I have enough trouble remembering OUR doctor's name...). Everything checked out great with more glowing reviews of Tammie's health. But the best part was when the doctor went to check the baby's heartbeat.

I don't know if this is a bad sign or just is, but when the doctor started pushing the listening device into Tammie's belly looking for the heartbeat, apparently Little Baby Acuff was none too happy with it! She started kicking and pushing on the microphone causing Tammie's belly to bounce around and the microphone to pop and hum. Attitude already!

Tammie says that she didn't feel the kicks (of coarse she didn't, the doctor was holding her stomach down!), but everyone heard the pops and crackles on the microphone and I actually watched as her belly bounced and jumped against the doctor's ministrations (ooooo...big word! Double word score). I have heard Tammie talk all the time about Little Baby Acuff "doing sumersaults in there," but this was the first time I actually saw the baby kick! Wow, there really is someone in there...and she's already fighting the man! (or woman as it were...)

I hope everyone has a great time tomorrow. Please drive carefully (you have gifts for the baby in your trucks after all...) and thank you for all of your well wishes, love and support. (And pray that Little Baby Acuff calms down a bit before she gets here...OY VEY!)

UPDATE: Go back and check out the post of Sha-sha-SHASOUA from a while back. Specifically the 4th paragraph "UPDATE." Now you know why Tammie gets SOOOOO frustrated with me sometimes!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well, we've been waiting to hear from Tammie's doctor (joshua....joshua...SHASHOUA!) since her visit last Thursday. And waiting...and waiting....

Tammie took another blood sugar test because the doctor was concerned that she may be developing gestational diabetes. Yeah, thanks. So finally, at the 'urging' of her loving husband, Tammie called the doctor's office and...VIOLA! Amazingly they had her results (and the envelope, please...).

Tammie's results came back normal, no gestational diabetes. So hamburgers and candy for everyone (or at least Tammie). The doctor's office then informed her that they only call with the results when they are abnormal...too bad they didn't tell us this before.

So once again Tammie is doing fine. She will be having a little girl sometime in February. Apparently I'm expecting a little one also...a gallbladder! You can't believe how amazingly difficult it is to get a nursery in order with "FutureMom" can't paint or lift heavy things, "FutureDad" has marching band every day of the week (and most weekends), and then "FutureDad" has the audacity to develop gallbladder problems (I just hope I 'deliver' before February...). More tests tomorrow to see just exactly IF it is a GB problem.

Put the call out to everyone you know... free gallbladder surgery for an expecting dad is a WONDERFUL baby gift!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Minor planet named 'Sfasu' - News

Minor planet named 'Sfasu' - News

Sitting here in Nacogdoches revisiting the place where Tammie and I met. Man have things changed! (yes...we bought baby clothes).

I was just doing a search for any interesting information relating to SFA (aside from the fact that the football team lost EVERY SINGLE GAME this year...) and found this article about an asteroid discovered by SFA University astronomers who then named it after the university -- Sfasu (as the asteroid is now called) is actually considered a 'minor planet' in the solar system and takes 3.68 years to orbit the sun.

I guess good things do come out of Nac -- minor planets named 'Sfasu' and Little Baby Acuff!


Thursday, November 15, 2007


Okay, maybe a little creepy. I can see you through the computer now -- brow furrowed; mouth half opened trying to form the question running through your mind; no words can be uttered, simply, uh...

DOCTOR Shashoua is our (well, Tammie's) doctor. I know, I know...I had trouble with it at first. Just think Joshua, then put a SHA- in front. In reality, that is exactly what I had to do just to remember from minute to minute. It is really hard trying to have a conversation with someone in this fashion:

"So, doctor... (okay, joshua, joshua, SHASHOUA), Dr. Shashoua, is her stomach REALLY supposed to be doing that?!"

You get used to it after a while (now I only have to say 'joshua' in my head once!), and to be fair, he really is a good doctor. And Tammie really likes him. This is a really good thing since you never, EVER, want to really make a pregnant woman really mad at you...FOR ANY REASON! (I'm a really slow learner and still really trying to get this one under control...) UPDATE: (I noticed the obsessive use of 'really' in two consecutive sentences and decided to correct the now it is REALLY obessive!)

Another visit to the doctor today and another good check up. This was a big test because Tammie had to have blood drawn to test her blood sugar. Hopefully it will be below 90 (whatever IT is...), then there won't be any problems and no "special" diet (we all know what that means). And it would be a good thing too, because the cravings are hamburgers and sweets (there is a huge bucket of Halloween candy just waiting to be devoured). Plus, if Tammie has to go on a "special" diet, then everyone living at 1003 Forest Trail has to be (you all are lucky you got out when you's going to be a bumpy ride).

Enough for tonight; Tammie wants the computer to pay bills (why? Who knows...). More later...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Chairs are Here, The Chairs are Here!!!

You would be excited too if the only way you could sleep was in a recliner...

As with most (if not all) pregnancies, sleeping becomes a real issue, and Tammie has has some of those issues. All the doctors say that you can't sleep on your back unless you are reclining, but of course, if you are reclining, then you can't sleep. Ah the irony...

So our next (and brilliant, if I do say so myself) plan was to buy a recliner for Tammie. Since they are supposed to recline (hence the name, recliner) they will hopefully be more comfortable for Tammie and allow her to get some much needed sleep. Heck, if it works for her, maybe I'll try sleeping in a recliner. Of course, with Tammie in the recliner, I now have the bed all to myself!

And the sweetest part of the deal was three words: Two-for-One! I GET ONE TOO!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Another day, Another...checkup?

Once again it's time for the lovely (seemingly redundant) checkup with the doctor.

Seriously, I don't know why we spend our money to do these things. I mean we go in, we wait (and honestly, waiting is the LONGEST part of these visits), blood pressure and other assorted pokes and prods, doctor comes in, heartbeat, everything's "normal," and off we go.

Well, actually, off Tammie went. I unfortunately had a football game (yeah) last night, so I couldn't go (and I would have much rather gone with Tam to the doctor than the football game...). Thank god everything is "normal," because if there had been a problem last night, there was no way that I could have gotten home to be with Tammie, and that is what worried me the most.

And in reality, I do know why we go to these "seemingly redundant" doctor's visits. We go for the reassurance that everything IS "normal," that the baby and mother are healthy and doing well, and to hear that unbelievably fast heartbeat ("normal" though...everyone assures us it is "normal"). We also go to remind ourselves why we are having a kid and to dispel all those thoughts of, "Oh my God...what were we thinking?!" All it takes is a tiny heartbeat and a little kick (to Tammie, of coarse...I don't get kicked by the baby, just Tammie) to remind us why and makes us happy all over again.

Thanks again for your well wishes and prayers. Keep them up...they are working!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Finally...geez, you would think this was hard or something. Turns out I had the correct software all along, just too blind to read the right numbers off the scanner. Sorry!

So here's a little refresher. To the right is Little Baby Acuff at about 7-8 weeks. Tiny little can barely even make "her" out (I say "her" instead of her because at that time we didn't know. I realize that this is semantics, but I'm writing the'll have to just deal...okay?).

And know we have Little Baby Acuff at 20 weeks. My how they grow. Soon we'll have to move her into a bigger place (about 5 months from now I'm guessing. And now I can say her because we know. See how this works? Science!).

Heard the heartbeat again. Little Baby Acuff's was racing (about 161 bpm!), but mine skipped. Tammie and I ask ourselves all the time "what were we thinking," but everytime I see these pictures and hear that heart I know why. Everyone deserves to create a little monster...uh, I mean child...of their own.

But for the final coup-de-grace, here is my absolute favorite picture. Pam always said that Tammie used to suck her thumb when she was little. Like mother, like daughter!

There are a couple of other pictures, but one is just a bit creepy (I really, REALLY me. Those "3D" images aren't always the most flattering) and the other shows "girl" parts. I think I'll keep that one between me and Tammie. A girl has to have some modesty!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. So far you all have been doing great. Everything is in perfect order, all tests are good, and both mom and daughter are in good health. Thank you, everyone, for your support and well wishes (now if you will just start sending the supply of diapers that will be desperately needed, I would be forever grateful).

Monday, September 24, 2007


I know that I've promised pictures to be up since last week, but I am having a little trouble with the scanner. Drivers got deleted, system can't find the software, etc... I'll try to get things up and running again soon.

To make things easy so that you don't have to randomly check the site for updates (Tyfanny!), scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link:

Subscribe to: Posts (Atom).

This will pull up a separate window and ask you which program you would like to subscribe with. I prefer Google Reader, but My Yahoo! also offers an rss subscription service. By doing this, you will be notified of new posts when they are available, instead of checking the site every day (or hour, or see where I'm going with this).

Thank you for your patience with me. I know that some of you are waiting for those pictures to be posted (especially the one with Little Baby Acuff sucking HER thumb...that one's my favorite). I'll do everything that I can to get them posted as soon as possible!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And the results are in...

Doesn't it always figure, as soon as you change something, then you have to change it back.

Been to the doctor and the results's a GIRL!

So back to pink. But please don't think that everything that we want, need or desire for Little Baby Acuff should be pink. However, we don't mind (you) splurging. beginner percussion class is staring at me. I guess they want me to teach them something. Go figure! Pictures later...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Avast ye Mateys and Prepare to be Boarded

One day to go. Doctor's appointment is tomorrow morning at around 8:30 am, so we should know (hopefully) before 9:30. It'll take me a little time to get back to school and (after I've disabled the filters) post the results.


On a more, personal note, tomorrow is extremely exciting twice over. Not only do Tammie and I head to the doctor for an ultra-sound, but tomorrow is International "Talk Like a Pirate" Day. Ah, Avast ye mateys and scrub the main deck! No land lubber speak will be tolerated this fine day.

Have fun with it! (The doctor is probably going to think me a bit strange, but hey, it's an internationally sanctioned day...he'll have to deal)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Seven Days and Counting

When looking at the blog site recently, I realized that I may be offering false hope to those of you wishing for a baby girl. We truly and honestly don't know yet, but are very near the time we'll find out. So to dispel any notion that I may have a preference one way or the other, this site has gotten a little "face-lift."

Until the time that we know for sure, there will be no more pink site or blue site. However, next Wednesday around 11 o'clock, it will be made blindingly obvious whether it's a boy or girl. All you'll have to do is check in and notice the color of the site.

So start the betting wars! I'm giving even odds as to which sex the baby will be (with a small percentage going to the "Little Baby Acuff Needs Food" fund -- and no, I'm not kidding about my cut!).

Well wishes and prayers are still gratefully accepted, as well as any comments, advice and baby-name suggestions (whoa there Billy...remember, the baby's name needs to sound at least a little human). Hope everyone is doing well. Take care and we'll all find out the exciting news next week.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

And We're Back!

Sorry for the long, LONG absence since I last posted. Getting revved up for school has kept both of us very busy. And now for the news...

Our latest doctor's visit was good. We heard the heart beat (wow, those things go fast!), and Tammie's own personal health was great. Ten minutes and a hundred dollars later...everything's "normal." All except for that tiny new person GROWING inside my wife. Tapeworm's - bad; virus' and bacteria - bad; tiny human being - perfectly "normal."

Tammie is doing better with her evening sickness, no weird cravings (yet). She is sucking down ginger hard candies and Preggie Pops any time she has some nausea. Just hoping that everything continues along the yellow brick road to the Emerald Palace with loads of happy, singing little people (well, maybe without the little people...and the Emerald Palace...oh...and the yellow brick road...).

Our next visit is September 19. We will be having an ultrasound then (okay, Tammie will have the ultrasound, I'll just sit there and cheer) and we should find out the sex of Little Baby Acuff. I'll post the results in February for everyone to know. Just kidding...I'll let you know just as soon as I can get to a computer.

Wish us luck!

Oh, and Billy, I'm sorry about the comments. Didn't realize I had accidentally tweaked a setting that required me to "moderate" the comments before they were posted. Fixed now, enjoy!

Monday, July 30, 2007

It's about dang time!

Finally! Tammie has started to feel better at nights. I guess we've finally made it to the fabled "Second Trimester." I for one am grateful that she isn't feeling sick every night. I know she is as well.

As far as everything else, things are rolling along. We're still working on cleaning out the second and third bedrooms to get them ready for the coming of a baby and the onslaught of friends and relatives wanting to visit.

We've got about 5-6 weeks to go before we can find out if it is a boy or a girl. Tammie thinks it's a girl. Her mom, Pam, thinks it's a girl (she has actually provided empirical evidence to support her claim. When she was pregnant with Tammie, she was sick at night, ala Tammie now. But when she was pregnant with her son, Billy, she was sick in the mornings. Vewy, vewy interwesting...). The husband of one of Tammie's friends (who just had a baby...congratulations Erin and Sam) also says that it is a girl, and apparently he has a pretty good track record at predicting these kinds of things.

As far as I'm concerned, it better be a girl because Tammie and I can't even begin to agree on boy names, but the girl name is set in stone and we both love it. We'll let you know what it is when it is!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

10 week doctor's checkup

Another checkup, another okay. Tammie's last doctor's visit went over well and everything looks good. Heard the heartbeat again, about 160 beats per minute (that's seems REALLY fast, but the doctor says it's "normal").

Next doctor's visit is in 6 weeks. Four weeks after that and we can find out if it's a boy or a girl. Yes, we will be finding out. There are too many other surprises in store, so if we can eliminate at least one, we are all for it. Besides, you all need to know so that you have an idea what to get us...I mean, the baby. And we need to know so that we can paint the nursery. Well, so I can paint the nursery (Tammie will "supervise" from 2 rooms away).

Take care everyone and think good thoughts in our direction.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

When's the Beautiful?

Good news, bad news.

Good news first. Tammie is not suffering from morning sickness! Bad news. Tammie is suffering from evening sickness... Starting about 9pm every night Tammie's stomach takes a turn for the worse. Usually, after a shot of Malox, things settle down enough that she can get to sleep. Not last night though. Up all night; 8:40am, still sick. Had to cancel our doctor's visit today.

So now, predictions anyone? Boy, girl, one of each (I know the doctor said one heartbeat, but that's what they told my mom too; and I'm a twin!).

More when we know...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy 4th of July...a little early

To everyone in the living world...HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!

Yes, I know that I'm 45 minutes early, but who's counting. And now an update of Little Baby Acuff...

nothing. absolutely nothing. I've read a few things about this thing (pregnancy) and one conclusion that I've come to is: you'll be doing a lot, and I mean a lot, of waiting. We do have some good news. Tam went in for a routine blood test last Thursday and the result came back normal (there's that word again).

So instead of any heart wrenching updates, new pictures, or happy news, I am wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July. Try and stay dry!

(DVD's of our first trip to the doctor are still on sale. Due to the nature of supply and demand, the price is now $15. Please make checks payable to the "I Still Need Some Cash to Pay the Doctor" Fund c/o Brent Acuff, You-Know-Where-I-Live, TX 78613. Peace out!)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More on the doctor's visit

Technology these days are amazing, ultra-sounds especially. Not only did we get to see the little baby, but we actually heard the heartbeat. I was a bit worried when while we were waiting to see the doctor, but as soon as I saw the image and heard the baby's heartbeat, my own heart skipped a beat!

We were told that everything was "normal," and that the heartbeat was 130 beats per minute. I thought that was fast, but apparently this was good. We got a picture (which you've seen) and a DVD of the ultra-sound. Now I can see that little heartbeat any time I want. Now that is truly awesome.

As I've said before, that word normal has started to take on new meanings. According to everything that I've been reading, normal is: nausea, gaining weight (women and men), insomnia, endless trips to the doctor, tests-tests-tests, and a human being growing inside of someone you love. At what point is all of this normal??? We head back to the doctor Thursday to do more tests. Pray that they are all "normal" in the pregnancy sense of the word.

More later when we know it.

(DVD's are now on sale for the low, low price of $12.50. Please make all checks payable to the "We're Having a Baby and We Need Baby Supplies" Foundation c/o Brent Acuff, 1003 Forest Trail, You Know Where to Find Us, TX 78613. Please allow 4-to-never weeks for your DVD to ship. Hey, I've got 4 1/2 mouths to feed, I'm not above a little grubbing!)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

You'll never believe it...

Yes...believe it or not, that's a picture of a baby. More specifically, "Little Baby Acuff!" 7 - 7 1/2 weeks at the time of this picture, so just about 2 months. Tammie and I are ecstatic, overjoyed...and a bit overwhelmed. After a year and a half of trying, the test came back with a +. Actually 2 +'s (Tammie took the test twice).

Hugs and kisses all around then, "Now what do we do?" It's one thing to talk about it, but an entirely different situation when it finally happens. Immediately called the doctor, were told to wait until 7 weeks, made an appointment, and now "Tada!" Confirmation from the doctor. Everything is looking good; everything is "normal" (this word is beginning to take on a totally different meaning). Due date is around February 6, 2008. And I've already started looking for baby things (I found a really COOL diaper bag for dudes! It's got skulls & crossbones on it).

Now comes the most important part. HELP!!! We now realize that we have absolutely no idea what we are doing or what to expect. This is a call to anyone out there with "child-rearing" experience. You can click below and leave comments of well-wishes and suggestions, words of encouragement and sympathy for us both. Tammie and I wanted to share the news with the world, and we will try to keep everyone posted and up-to-date with news and events.

Thanks for all of your encouragement and support in the past. Thank you in advance as well for your thoughts and prayers as we plunge headfirst into this world of pregnancy and parenting.