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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Avast ye Mateys and Prepare to be Boarded

One day to go. Doctor's appointment is tomorrow morning at around 8:30 am, so we should know (hopefully) before 9:30. It'll take me a little time to get back to school and (after I've disabled the filters) post the results.


On a more, personal note, tomorrow is extremely exciting twice over. Not only do Tammie and I head to the doctor for an ultra-sound, but tomorrow is International "Talk Like a Pirate" Day. Ah, Avast ye mateys and scrub the main deck! No land lubber speak will be tolerated this fine day.

Have fun with it! (The doctor is probably going to think me a bit strange, but hey, it's an internationally sanctioned day...he'll have to deal)


Anonymous said...

You will not, under any circumstances, begin speaking like a pirate until after the doctor's appointment!!
your wife

Brent said...

Aye, says you matey! Now hoist the sails and swab the deck all you scurvy dogs.