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Thursday, August 23, 2007

And We're Back!

Sorry for the long, LONG absence since I last posted. Getting revved up for school has kept both of us very busy. And now for the news...

Our latest doctor's visit was good. We heard the heart beat (wow, those things go fast!), and Tammie's own personal health was great. Ten minutes and a hundred dollars later...everything's "normal." All except for that tiny new person GROWING inside my wife. Tapeworm's - bad; virus' and bacteria - bad; tiny human being - perfectly "normal."

Tammie is doing better with her evening sickness, no weird cravings (yet). She is sucking down ginger hard candies and Preggie Pops any time she has some nausea. Just hoping that everything continues along the yellow brick road to the Emerald Palace with loads of happy, singing little people (well, maybe without the little people...and the Emerald Palace...oh...and the yellow brick road...).

Our next visit is September 19. We will be having an ultrasound then (okay, Tammie will have the ultrasound, I'll just sit there and cheer) and we should find out the sex of Little Baby Acuff. I'll post the results in February for everyone to know. Just kidding...I'll let you know just as soon as I can get to a computer.

Wish us luck!

Oh, and Billy, I'm sorry about the comments. Didn't realize I had accidentally tweaked a setting that required me to "moderate" the comments before they were posted. Fixed now, enjoy!

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