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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy 4th of July...a little early

To everyone in the living world...HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!

Yes, I know that I'm 45 minutes early, but who's counting. And now an update of Little Baby Acuff...

nothing. absolutely nothing. I've read a few things about this thing (pregnancy) and one conclusion that I've come to is: you'll be doing a lot, and I mean a lot, of waiting. We do have some good news. Tam went in for a routine blood test last Thursday and the result came back normal (there's that word again).

So instead of any heart wrenching updates, new pictures, or happy news, I am wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July. Try and stay dry!

(DVD's of our first trip to the doctor are still on sale. Due to the nature of supply and demand, the price is now $15. Please make checks payable to the "I Still Need Some Cash to Pay the Doctor" Fund c/o Brent Acuff, You-Know-Where-I-Live, TX 78613. Peace out!)

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