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Monday, July 7, 2008

It's Nice to Visit, But it's Good to be Home

Tammie, Bailey and I just got back from a visit to Bay City and her Grandparents (well not just back; we got back yesterday, but it feels like just...). The Acuff Family Get-together went well, even if Bailey was a bit fussy most of the day. Actually, Bailey would get fussy after a few minutes of being passed around, then would be happy when I took her back to our room. I think that there were too many people and too much excitement for her (and I can't blame her. There were too many people for me as well. Don't get me wrong, I like my family. But pack 25-30 people in just a couple of rooms and throw in some rambunctious kids, and you'll have a recipe to scramble anyone's brains).

As I said, Bailey did well, but I think was relieved whenever it was only mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa at the end of the night. However, the constant amount of stimulation caused Bailey to not sleep very well that night (and in conjunction, neither did mom or dad), so everyone (in the front bedroom at least) was a little drained (and somewhat cranky) the next morning (I know there are a lot of asides in that last sentence. Forgive me...). There was some good news that came around that morning. Tammie and I have started introducing Bailey to solid foods (if you consider mushy rice cereal solid) with little, if any success. Sour faces and a messy baby were all that greeted us. Until Sunday morning...

I still think that she was just showing off for her grandparents, but Bailey actually ate almost all of her cereal. And I mean ate! There were very little food that actually got on her (well, on her bib. We aren't such gluttons for punishment that we wouldn't put a bib on first!), in fact I would say it was probably less than a teaspoon full. How awesome is that! (Isn't it ironic that for a baby, everyone is excited and think it is funny when they try to eat and fail, ultimately causing massive amounts of food to cover their table, clothes, themselves and even the people around them. But if an adult, or even older kid did the same thing...)

Excitement ensued and soon we were packing the car to head home. Once on the road, another interesting (and for a short time disturbing) incident occurred. Normally Bailey falls asleep as soon as the car starts moving. She did this yesterday, but after about 40 minutes (and a pit stop for gas; $3.79...woohoo!), she woke up. At first there was talking, then screaming (hence the disturbing reference). After a few minutes, Bailey calmed down. Now for the interesting part. For the next two and a half hours, Bailey never fell back asleep, nor did she get real upset either. In fact, we got home at 7:30pm, and Bailey still didn't go to sleep. She had a bottle and a bath, and finally at 8:45pm we put her in bed and she crashed.

And crash she did. That girl slept, without making a sound or waking up, until 7:15am the next morning (insert refrain from the Hallelujah chorus here. You know the one, from Handel's sleep you'll ever get!). Ten and one-half hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Too bad mom and dad came down with insomnia last night...

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