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Monday, July 21, 2008

Girl About the Town

Well, it would appear that Bailey is already much more popular that her parents (as if you didn't know that already). Bailey was invited to not one, but TWO parties today (with her parents in tow, of course...).

Bailey's first appointment was with her mother's coworkers (former to be precise). The two of them were invited to brunch to celebrate the birthdays of some of Tammie's friends (dad was not invited...humph!). From what I understand, Bailey was a sweet girl (as always) and behaved especially well. The only problem was when she got home...she smelled like bacon! The party was a brunch with what I'm guessing was A LOT of bacon being fried (good thing I love bacon...oh, and Bailey...).

After a quick beauty nap, all three of us headed to Hutto for a gathering with my new coworkers. Again, Bailey was sweet and well mannered baby. Tammie even took her to the pool when her dad and coworkers had to talk shop. Tammie says that she enjoyed looking around the pool and even put her feet in the water (at which point she pulled them straight back up out of the water). After a time at the pool it was time for little Bay to crash, so we headed on home. A bottle later (and quite a bit of talking as well) Bailey is sleeping off a very eventful day.

Must be tough being popular...

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