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Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all and Happy 1 Week Birthday to Bailey! And your present is...

GAS!!! (well, gas and a silver James Avery charm for Bailey)

Yep, Bailey has had a rough couple of nights (not to mention mom and dad). And we thought we were doing so good. We were following the doctor's orders and supplementing with formula; we were watching for the cues that said Bailey was hungry and wanted to eat; we totally misjudged it all.

When bottle feeding, Bailey had gotten too much air in her system and we just weren't able to get rid of it all after her feedings. So of course, Bailey's tummy was hurting and making her upset. For her, a hurting tummy means, "I'm hungry...feed me." So she would make the necessary indications that she was hungry and we would feed her again...and again...and again...only compounding the problem to too much gas in her belly. Well, a rough night and day later (poor Tammie had to be there for both, I was at work during the day and missed "all the fun..."), Bailey finally seems to be calming down. We think that we have finally started to get some of that built up gas relieved, and amazingly she would sleep for about two or two and a half hours at night (only in mom's arms though...long second night for Tam).

This morning we were awoken by the sounds of trumpets blaring. Well, trumpets coming from the back end of Bailey (I guess I never even thought about the fact that babies too need to pass a little gas from time to time. Bailey just really seems to enjoy passing a lot of gas...). A dirty diaper later and back to feeding with mom, I was out the door on my way to work (the most unhappy 9 hours of my day...I don't get to be with my 3 1/2 girls...Tammie, Bailey, Rosie and Max, he's the 1/2). Hopefully things will go smoother today and Tammie will be able to get some rest. And I'll be home over the weekend to help out again...YEAH!

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