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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Get Ready, Get Set...WAIT!

Today has truly been a day of, well, annoyances. After getting everything ready, the car packed, and driving ourselves to the hospital for the delivery of Little Baby Acuff, we have had nothing but frustration after frustration.

12pm: Check hellos, no how ya doin', just "You'll be in Triage Room 1..." Thanks for the warm welcome.

12:15pm: nurse arrives. She is very nice and extremely helpful. Starts Tammie's prep; lots of needles, razors, goo, and machines (I am terrified beyond belief!)

1pm: listening to the heartbeat and the different bells and beeps in the room. Over and over I think to myself (and sometimes outloud), "Does anyone else feel like we are in a submarine?"

1:15pm: the nurse rattles off question after question for Tammie to answer. Everything from what she did last night and this morning, what medication she is, was, and will be on in the future, any disease or proceedure that has even been slightly suggested. I've learned more about Tammie than I think a husband should know (and I don't think Tammie answered them all truthfully...I mean the one about "any mental or phsycological conditions?" Come on...)

2pm: lets get this show on the road. WAIT! "Oh, we're sorry. Dr. Shashoua is in emergency surgery. You'll have to wait. It should only be delayed about 30 minutes."

2:30pm: lets get this show on the road. WAIT! "Oh, we're sorry. It is going to be delayed until 5pm. Sorry." Not to mention that our wonderful and friendly nurse will be leaving soon. Shift change...great...

3-5pm: no nurse, no doctor, and did I mention no food for Tammie since 5am this morning? (Someone is getting a bit testy...)

5pm: lets get this show...on the road!

5:20pm: while sitting in the waiting room with my and Tammie's dads, my mom comes out from Tammie's room. "The doctor's here. They are looking for a nurse to get things going."

5:25pm: LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD! wait... More pregnant women have just come in to the hospital in labor. Doctor says it'll be another hour...

6:11pm: still waiting...

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