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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas???

Well, the plague is upon us here in the Acuff home. Daddy has not had a voice since last Tuesday (which made trying to talk to 5th graders about band and directing TWO concerts last week very interesting...), Bailey has been hacking along with Momma, and the fevers have started. So far, Daddy has been the only one to see a doctor (mainly because I was going for the sympathy vote) and the diagnosis is sinus infection. The upside (if there is one) is that we are all getting this early in the week. Hopefully we will all be on the mend before Christmas Eve and the fun that is Christmas morning.

For those of you who we will see this holiday season, we are taking precautions to de-bug our home and not spread the "Christmas sniffles" to family and friends. We hope that you and yours are having a safe (and healthy) holiday season, and we look forward to celebrating the season with each and everyone of you.

Take care and stay germ free!!!

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