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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Turning Over a New Leaf you honestly believe that? Well, I'm going to "try" and post something at least once a week. Hopefully on Saturdays, but really, what are the odds?

This week in Bailey Land...

Bailey has actually been home most of the week (as well as mom and dad...), because of a cold. She has had one of the worst coughs she's ever had in her 14 month old life (which mom and dad are now enjoying...yeah) and has consequently kept herself and her parents awake until all hours of the night. Mom home Monday morning, home Monday afternoon (that was an interesting change of the guard..."Hi, honey. Bye, honey," literally as we passed each other going in and out of the door). Grandpa on Tuesday (Bailey and grandpa played "hide-and-seek" all day long), daycare on Wednesday (at which time Miss Ruby said "I think she may be getting pink-eye...THANKS!), and dad again on Thursday.

Away to the doctor we go! And of course, the infamous words from the doctor..."There's nothing that we can do. You'll just have to try and keep her happy."

At what point, in the entire history of children, has ANY parent EVER been able to keep a sick kid happy? Huh? When?

Bailey switches from happy baby to "The World is Coming to an End" baby faster than a speeding bullet (at which point she could probably throw her toys over a tall building in a single throw...catch the Superman references...speeding bullet...over a tall building in a single, um, bound? Okay, never mind). Runny nose, goopy eyes, and tons of drool round out our "wonderful" week with our precious little girl.

And now Easter weekend...and nobody wants a nap. Well, actually, mom and dad want a nap. It's Bailey who doesn't seem to think that being tired means you need to sleep (silly, silly baby...). She'll take one nap in the morning, but later in the day, crabby-tired baby makes an appearance, and no one gets to rest. Bailey is on the mend. Eyes are not quite as red, nose not as runny. Grandma Acuff is in for the Easter weekend and luckily Bailey is putting on a "show" for Grandma. Cute, sweet, precious Bailey makes an appearance as long as Grandma is in the room.

Maybe Grandma can stay this next week?

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