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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend's Not Over Yet!

 I can still get it in under the wire.
We've had a pretty quiet weekend here in the Acuff home, but there has been quite a bit of excitement in the last couple of weeks. Bailey is still "recovering" from, well, something. After our excitement last weekend (you remember...that trip to the Urgent Care?), mom and dad were hoping for a quick recovery.
Oh, what foolish people we are...
Grandma and Grandpa Acuff spent a couple of days taking care of Bailey (thanks again!), warning us as they left for home on Wednesday that "I still think she needs to stay home. She's still got that cough." Yes, were right.
Thursday at daycare was a bit of a struggle. Bailey coughed all day and her nose was a faucet. I had made an appointment to see her doctor, and everything went "GREAT" from there. Doctor ordered a breathing treatment (hey, it's not as easy as it looks. You try pinning a screaming baby AND holding a breathing mask over her mouth and nose...for almost 15 minutes), then the doctor ordered a pertussis test. For those of you not in the know, pertussis is usually referred to as Whooping Cough. yeah...
We'll know the full results on Monday, but basically it boils down to one of three things:
a) Bailey has whooping cough...not great;
b) Bailey has croup...still not great, but better than (a); or
c) Bailey has severe congestion and drainage causing her cough...which one would you choose?
Bailey is still a very happy baby, laughing and playing all day, giving kisses and hugs and making mom and dad laugh all the time (peek-a-boo is her favorite...). Her appetite is healthy (and I mean healthy...this girl is turning into a bottomless pit!) and she is sleeping well. No matter the diagnosis, Bailey is well on the just might take a little longer than we want.
So now it is Sunday night. Tammie and I are getting things together for tomorrow when Grandpa Burke takes his turn with the baby bug and getting ready for TAKS testing this week...(oh boy!) and watching the weather. To be honest, I am more worried about the bad weather headed our way than I am about what the doctor will let us know tomorrow. Take care and keep the little Squidget in your thoughts. We'll keep you posted when we hear more.
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Monday, April 20, 2009

Yes, I Know...Missed Saturday Post

But this time I have a reason...(unfortunately).

Bailey has been sick this weekend. First we couldn't make a dirty diaper (which was VERY upsetting for everyone involved), then we started running a 103 degree fever. Quick trip (relatively speaking) to the minor emergency, and low and behold...ear infection.

The other concern of the doctor was that Bailey had been congested for 2 weeks now, and the possibility of pneumonia was creeping up. So antibiotics and a prednosone derivative, and hopefully Bailey will be on the mend.

Actually, after giving Bailey her first dose of medicine (namely the prednosone derivative) and Bailey is already doing worlds better. No fever and a lot happier baby. Hopefully things will start to clear up quickly. Keep the little Squidge in your thoughts (and her mom and dad who are desperately trying to keep a little sick baby comforted and happy...a full time job in itself).

(Oh, and dirty diaper success on Saturday night...finally...after lots, and LOTS of crying...from most of the people in the house...woohoo)

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kept My Promise, and It's Not Even Saturday

Bailey is the cutest. We all know this...there is no denying it. Every day there is something new that just makes us love her more.

Lately Bailey has been very clingy. Clingy to mom that is, not dad. If mom is not around, hey, dad's the best. But as soon as mom walks in the door..."Dad, who?"

Tonight, same song, second verse. Mom and dad both on the floor playing with the Squidget. Time for bed, so dad gets up off the floor so he can pick Bailey up to take her to bed. Nope, can't have that. Bailey just cried and cried until mom gets off the floor, at which point Bailey immediately reaches for her.

Cute, a little hurtful, but I understand completely. Bailey just stares at me, sad faced and pouty bottom lip. I told her "you break my heart," and then, right on cue, she mended that broken heart and melted it all at once. As soon as I told her she had broken my heart, Bailey leaned forward and gave her dad a big kiss.

How can you not love a little girl like that?

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Turning Over a New Leaf you honestly believe that? Well, I'm going to "try" and post something at least once a week. Hopefully on Saturdays, but really, what are the odds?

This week in Bailey Land...

Bailey has actually been home most of the week (as well as mom and dad...), because of a cold. She has had one of the worst coughs she's ever had in her 14 month old life (which mom and dad are now enjoying...yeah) and has consequently kept herself and her parents awake until all hours of the night. Mom home Monday morning, home Monday afternoon (that was an interesting change of the guard..."Hi, honey. Bye, honey," literally as we passed each other going in and out of the door). Grandpa on Tuesday (Bailey and grandpa played "hide-and-seek" all day long), daycare on Wednesday (at which time Miss Ruby said "I think she may be getting pink-eye...THANKS!), and dad again on Thursday.

Away to the doctor we go! And of course, the infamous words from the doctor..."There's nothing that we can do. You'll just have to try and keep her happy."

At what point, in the entire history of children, has ANY parent EVER been able to keep a sick kid happy? Huh? When?

Bailey switches from happy baby to "The World is Coming to an End" baby faster than a speeding bullet (at which point she could probably throw her toys over a tall building in a single throw...catch the Superman references...speeding bullet...over a tall building in a single, um, bound? Okay, never mind). Runny nose, goopy eyes, and tons of drool round out our "wonderful" week with our precious little girl.

And now Easter weekend...and nobody wants a nap. Well, actually, mom and dad want a nap. It's Bailey who doesn't seem to think that being tired means you need to sleep (silly, silly baby...). She'll take one nap in the morning, but later in the day, crabby-tired baby makes an appearance, and no one gets to rest. Bailey is on the mend. Eyes are not quite as red, nose not as runny. Grandma Acuff is in for the Easter weekend and luckily Bailey is putting on a "show" for Grandma. Cute, sweet, precious Bailey makes an appearance as long as Grandma is in the room.

Maybe Grandma can stay this next week?

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Did You Know There Was a Month of March?

Apparently, I didn't.

My most sincere apologies for the length of time in between these posts. It doesn't seem as if a lot has happened (everything seems to blur together), but we have had a lot going on.

Bailey is growing everyday (just in case you didn't know that babies actually grew), and her personality is becoming stronger (as in strong willed...her favorite word these days is "No." Oh great...) More teeth and a few more bruises (no matter how hard she tries, that wall just will not budge, no matter how many times she beats her head against it). Bailey is crawling around the house with a purpose these days and is starting to show an interest in (maybe) pulling up and standing (usually when she is mad...).

Mommy had surgery (nothing major, just a nose job. Love you, sweetie!) so it was "Daddy Daycare" and "Personal Servant" around our house over Spring Break. Tammie couldn't pick up and hold Bailey, which I think turned out to be the worst part of the surgery for her (that and the pain, swelling, bleeding, discomfort and inability to sleep for almost 5 days...), but I think that we generally had a restful (and much needed) Spring Break. Tammie got her car towed (illegally, I might add...and I'm just looking to fight!), but we are fortunate to have a great friend (Katie Lewis) who is in the property management business and offered up an invaluble resource to fight the tow. Anyone and everyone who is reading this needs to bookmark the website It was an eyeopener for me, and it is my goal to make sure EVERYONE knows their rights when it comes to towing in Texas.

Daddy had his first physical (*dripping with sarcasm* Yeah...) and was issued a clean bill of health; Grandmas and Grandpas of both sides are competing to see who gets to spend the most time with their granddaughter (Grandpa Burke even raced me to her daycare, then called me to brag that he had gotten her first.) At the writing of this post, Bailey is getting over a cold, slowing getting back to normal. She kept mom and dad home yesterday and grandpa today, but hopefully will be back to daycare and a normal(ish) routine tomorrow.

On a sad note, Bailey lost her Great Grandmother Applewhite in the first part of March. If ever anyone deserved a special place in Heaven, it would be Harriet Applewhite. In the 13 years that I knew her, not once did I ever hear her speak a bad thing about anyone, even if she believed that someone had wronged her or her family. Harriet's sole purpose in life was her family and friends; everything that she did, thought, or said was for the betterment of her family. There was not a selfish bone in her entire body. She will be missed more than she could possibly know.

Take care and make sure every day is lived to its fullest. Hug your loved ones and don't wait to tell them how much they mean to you. More to come (hopefully sooner than later...).

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