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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter

Yes, I know that most of my posts are late. (I have a 6 week old baby at home...sue me)

I hope that everyone had a great Easter weekend. Mine was fabulous! I had a four day weekend that I got to spend with my favorite 3 1/2 girls (remember that Max makes 1/2). We have switched Bailey to a new formula (again) and everything seems to be working out well. Fewer issues with gas and fussiness, which makes everyone happy.

Tammie and I were given a couple of wonderful presents over the weekend. The first was on Friday when Grandma and Grandpa Burke offered to take Bailey and babysit first thing in the morning until we had caught up on our sleep. It was great, but there was one drawback to the whole situation; that night I actually suffered from insomnia (imagine that! Insomnia with an infant at home...).

Tammie graciously let me sleep in on Saturday (to make up for the lack of it the previous night) and we had a good day hanging out with our favorite little girl. Then we received our other wonderful gift that night when Uncle Billy and Aunt Tyfany babysat while Tam and I went to the movies. And as always, there are drawbacks to just about everything.

Tammie and I handed off Bailey to her aunt and uncle, then rushed out the door to get to the movies. Headed to Alamo Drafthouse (the best movie theater ever!) and...

the movie was sold out...(should have bought them online earlier. Oh well, the best laid plans...)

Everything turned out okay. We had a great dinner at Kobe steakhouse, visited a bookstore, and went out for ice cream. Bailey did great at both of her babysitting outings and Tammie and I caught up on some needed sleep. Bailey made her first appearance at church Easter morning in a pretty new Easter dress and was the talk of church. Easter dinner was delicious and a restful Monday topped off the weekend. I hope everyone else had as much of a good time as we did.

And to finish off this newest post, here are a couple of pictures of Bailey in her Easter Bunny outfit which she thought was the funniest thing ever. Enjoy!

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