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Monday, March 31, 2008

We've Learned a New Trick

Has anyone ever seen a cat take a bath? (lick paw, lick paw, wipe face, lick paw, wipe face, etc...) Now imagine, Bailey, doing the same thing...

That's right, Bailey has found her tongue and just LOVES it. She will sit there in your lap and repeatedly stick her tongue out at you
(or anything else that gets in the way). And because she likes her hands so much, she decided to try putting the two together. If I can ever get some video of this, I'll be sure to post it because it is funny. Bailey's eyes will get big, the tongue starts moving, and then then hands come up. Once she has a thorough soak, Bailey then proceeds to wipe these hands on her face and clothes.

Rinse, lather, and repeat...

By the way, does anyone out there remember what sleep is? Please drop Tammie and me a line and let us know (we oh so miss it...).

Last night was our first time to move Bailey strictly to her nursery for the entire night (well, actually her bassinet was sitting in the doorway of the we could see her...every time we go up...the many times we go up during the night...sleep...).

Everything went fine, if you don't count the fact that Bailey slept until 4 in the morning, then was up for the REST OF THE DAY! No nap, nothing! I am actually lucky in the fact that I have to go to work. I can actually get a nap in (come on, you don't think I actually teach all you?). Tammie, unfortunately, gets no such reprieve. If Bailey is up, so is she. I know that she would appreciate some words of encouragement as we work on getting Bailey to (hopefully) sleep a little longer at night (Erin, this "Miracle Blanket" better work!).

Well wishes to everyone and stay safe.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter

Yes, I know that most of my posts are late. (I have a 6 week old baby at home...sue me)

I hope that everyone had a great Easter weekend. Mine was fabulous! I had a four day weekend that I got to spend with my favorite 3 1/2 girls (remember that Max makes 1/2). We have switched Bailey to a new formula (again) and everything seems to be working out well. Fewer issues with gas and fussiness, which makes everyone happy.

Tammie and I were given a couple of wonderful presents over the weekend. The first was on Friday when Grandma and Grandpa Burke offered to take Bailey and babysit first thing in the morning until we had caught up on our sleep. It was great, but there was one drawback to the whole situation; that night I actually suffered from insomnia (imagine that! Insomnia with an infant at home...).

Tammie graciously let me sleep in on Saturday (to make up for the lack of it the previous night) and we had a good day hanging out with our favorite little girl. Then we received our other wonderful gift that night when Uncle Billy and Aunt Tyfany babysat while Tam and I went to the movies. And as always, there are drawbacks to just about everything.

Tammie and I handed off Bailey to her aunt and uncle, then rushed out the door to get to the movies. Headed to Alamo Drafthouse (the best movie theater ever!) and...

the movie was sold out...(should have bought them online earlier. Oh well, the best laid plans...)

Everything turned out okay. We had a great dinner at Kobe steakhouse, visited a bookstore, and went out for ice cream. Bailey did great at both of her babysitting outings and Tammie and I caught up on some needed sleep. Bailey made her first appearance at church Easter morning in a pretty new Easter dress and was the talk of church. Easter dinner was delicious and a restful Monday topped off the weekend. I hope everyone else had as much of a good time as we did.

And to finish off this newest post, here are a couple of pictures of Bailey in her Easter Bunny outfit which she thought was the funniest thing ever. Enjoy!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Break is Here

Okay, so really, Spring Break is sue me for not posting earlier.

There have been a few things that happened over the break that I am REALLY excited to tell everyone about. First off, on Tuesday we took Bailey to the movies. Yup, you heard correctly. Tammie and I took her to the Alamo Drafthouse for their "Baby Days" movie times. Thankfully the Drafthouse has Tuesday morning "Baby Days" that is designed to give new parents the opportunity to get out at least once a week. The lights are turned up a bit and the volume turned down some, and parents are welcome to enjoy the movies with their newest additions (and sometimes NOT so new additions). There were three or four infants there (counting Bailey) and at least one older kid (about one and a half). It was great!

The theater was great about posting signs everywhere to let "non-baby toters" aware that there may be crying infants in the theater. Luckily Bailey and all the other infants did just fine (Bailey actually slept through the entire movie...slept, but had to be held by either Tammie or me the entire time. Oh well...). There was only one problem that I had with the whole experience. Apparently the projectionist was deaf as a doormat, because the volume of the movie was way, WAY too loud to start with (it was hurting the adults ears...not really a good situation for sleeping babies). To the staff's credit, the problem was immediately fixed once it was brought to their attention. The Alamo Drafthouse has once again proved that they are the only movie theater that I ever wish to visit. They know how to do things right.

Friday night Tammie and I had some company over for dinner and a movie (hi Brad and Katie!). Bailey was being a little fussy (even though we have talk repeatedly about how she is supposed to behave in front of the guests) and we couldn't figure out what she wanted. I took her into the nursery to check is she had a dirty diaper and laid her down on her changing table. Immediately she calmed down and became the happy baby everyone loves. After a diaper change I picked her up to head back into the dining room...and Bailey started crying again. Then I had a bright idea...

I went back into the nursery and took the pad off of the changing table. I brought it with me into the dining room, cleared a space on the table and laid Bailey in it. You'd never guess that all she wanted was to be on her changing table mattress! For the next hour Bailey kicked her legs, stretched her arms, and was fascinated by the world around her (who knew her "Pee-pee pad" would make her so happy). So we left her on her mattress, belted in (yup, comes with a seat belt installed) and on the couch where she was the happiest baby for most of the movie (until she got hungry and wanted to eat, that is). We tried this again over the next couple of days and it has been proven many times...Bailey loves her "pee-pee pad."

We also noticed that Bailey was smiling more Friday night and seemed to enjoy having her cheeks pinched and her arms tickled. Then on Saturday night, Tammie and I got the best present from Bailey so far...she smiled at us just for being there (and no, it wasn't gas!).

I was holding Bailey up in front of a mirror, talking to her and pointing to her reflection. I then watched as she looked up at me (not the mirror) and gave me the biggest smile. She was looking directly up at me and smiling! It melted my heart. Tammie then came up the hall behind us and leaned up against the wall to watch what we were doing. Bailey looked at Tammie in the mirror, her eyes got REALLY big, and she smiled again, just happy that Tammie was there (man, I love watching her learn new things!).

It was confirmed once again later Saturday night when some friends of the family came over to visit Bailey (hi Smitty and Terry...). Terry was holding Bailey, talking to her and having a great time. Tammie came up to stand behind the couch, and once again Bailey straight at Tammie and smiled at wide as she could, mouth open and eyes wide.

I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone reading this that Bailey is very special to us and is the most precious little baby. I pray that everyone either has had, or very soon will have, the opportunity to share your love with and watch grow and develop. If anyone ever wants to come and visit this precious little person, please give us a call or send us an email. We would love to have you over. Take care everyone. We hope to see you all soon. I do have new pictures and even some movies that I will try to get posted up to the Picasa web albums too. Please be patient with me; if I'm not at school I'm doing everything I can to help out Tammie at home.

PS -- Terry (Teri, Terrie, etc...), if I misspelled your name, my sincerest apologies. Please let me know if I made an error and I will happily fix it for you.

PPS -- Tyfany, I've heard about your promise to babysit this Saturday (3/22/08). I don't know if Billy has agreed to your plans, but I'm holding YOU to it. Bring some t-shirts you don't mind getting dirty...Bailey spits up a lot!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's Been a Long Wait...Sorry

I present to you the "Many Faces of Bailey..."

"We're going where?"

"Quiet! I'm listening to my tunes..."


"Hey! Feed me!"
