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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Live from the Idea's the Imagination Movers!

Just a quick post before bed, and I'll update with more info later. We all went to Houston this weekend for something that all three of us were excited about. Our favorite show (yes...all three of us really, REALLY like the show...) the "Imagination Movers" was in Houston. Movers Scott, Rich, Dave and Smitty, along with Nina and Warehouse Mouse put on a concert for a room full of excited kids (and parents). Here are a few of the pictures, and I'll link to the photo album that you can go and see. The pictures are not in order (thanks, Flickr!) and there are no descriptions right now (thanks again, Flickr!), but I promise to update the blog with all the pictures and stories/descriptions to go along. For now...enjoy!

Live from the Idea Warehouse... (Flickr link...stupid Flickr!)

 Ready for the Movers!

 It's Eddie the Monster!

 Brainstorming time!

 Movers Dave, Scott, Rich and Smitty.

 Everyone stand up and dance!

 Nina's here (and Dave's about to jump off that speaker...)

Thanks, Movers. For a great concert and awesome show!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Birthday Pictures!

Quick post with some birthday pics. I'll try to update some more detailed information later. Enjoy!

This was Bailey's favorite slide.

Definitely having some fun!

Cousin Lillian in the "kiddie" area.

Someone's having a great time.

Quick break...

A circle of friends.

Upside down and backwards...Alex sure can bring out the daredevil in Bailey.

This is one of my favorites!

Hamming it up for the camera again.

Boys are all the same...

Look! It's the Three Amigos!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Wait? What is this? What, you mean, you're alive? You're still breathing?! THEN WHY HAVEN'T I HAD ANY UPDATES IN, LIKE, FOOORRRRREEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRR???!!!

Okay, okay. Stop screaming. I know that we haven't updated in a little while...okay, maybe a long while. We'll try to do better. So get off our backs...we're parents alright. When do we have time to update? We've got jobs too, remember?! What is your deal???!!!


This past week has been an exciting one for everyone here in the Cedar Park Acuff Clan. Cold winter storms, winds, and ice, all capped off with the coup de gras...A SNOW DAY!

And this Snow Day, while being the second one that Bailey can remember, was so much more fun than the last. Around this time last year, the snow fell heavier in the backyard, but there was no way that Bailey was going to go out there. Too much snow and WAY too cold. But this year...

Come on, Dad. Get dressed!
This year was different! As soon as Bailey saw the snow in the back yard she started hopping up and down yelling, "Come on, Dad! We need to get dressed and put on our coats so we can go outside and play in the snow! Come on, Dad, get dressed! Come on!"

Look. My footprints!
And so we did (Mom got to stay in side...where it was warm...and dry...). Bailey loved the snow (and I almost couldn't get her to go back inside). She looked at her footprints in the snow, agonized over her frozen water table, made snowballs (which we threw at Mom's car before figuring out we could throw them at Daddy...), and decorated our new "Christmas tree" with snow.
What happened to the water?

And while all of that was fun, and I'll treasure the time we spent playing in the snow for the first time, the best part was coming back inside. Bailey requested (actually, more demanded...) a fire in the fireplace, and we spent the rest of the day in warm PJ's, playing and cuddling on the couch watching cartoons and movies.

Yeah, it was a GREAT day...
This snow is awesome (and that is a direct quote)