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Thursday, July 30, 2009

One Crazy Summer

Summer started out well enough with Mom and Dad visiting Disneyworld while the Squidget enjoyed 4 days with Grandma and Grandpa. Shortly thereafter we all ventured to South Padre for some fun in the sun. Then Squidget decided sleep was for the weak and she sure as heck isn't weak! so she stopped sleeping through the night as she had done for months now and took to waking up 6-8 times a night screaming bloody murder. Fast forward 6 weeks, that's right I said 6 WEEKS, and mom and dad finally bucked up and instituted the "cry it out" method, which is just as unpleasant as it sounds but effective. Now we are on night 4 of resuming sleeping through the night and we are all enjoying our summer a lot more! Although Brent's summer is over now since summer band began yesterday at least we are getting some rest now!
Bailey has also taken her first few steps unaided. She is a late bloomer in this area but as my friend told me today, it means she is gifted because she doesn't want to do something until she knows she can do it right the first time! ;)
She is as adorable and funny as ever, talking with the puppies in their language by panting along with them and requesting "pool?" every few minutes. She has no fear in the water and will happily fling herself away from whichever parent is holding her, grinning and flailing her legs. We try to go often since she loves it so much.
So now we are trying to stay out of the over 100 degree heat we have every day and enjoy what's left of our summer. We hope you are doing the same!