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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well, we've been waiting to hear from Tammie's doctor (joshua....joshua...SHASHOUA!) since her visit last Thursday. And waiting...and waiting....

Tammie took another blood sugar test because the doctor was concerned that she may be developing gestational diabetes. Yeah, thanks. So finally, at the 'urging' of her loving husband, Tammie called the doctor's office and...VIOLA! Amazingly they had her results (and the envelope, please...).

Tammie's results came back normal, no gestational diabetes. So hamburgers and candy for everyone (or at least Tammie). The doctor's office then informed her that they only call with the results when they are abnormal...too bad they didn't tell us this before.

So once again Tammie is doing fine. She will be having a little girl sometime in February. Apparently I'm expecting a little one also...a gallbladder! You can't believe how amazingly difficult it is to get a nursery in order with "FutureMom" can't paint or lift heavy things, "FutureDad" has marching band every day of the week (and most weekends), and then "FutureDad" has the audacity to develop gallbladder problems (I just hope I 'deliver' before February...). More tests tomorrow to see just exactly IF it is a GB problem.

Put the call out to everyone you know... free gallbladder surgery for an expecting dad is a WONDERFUL baby gift!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Minor planet named 'Sfasu' - News

Minor planet named 'Sfasu' - News

Sitting here in Nacogdoches revisiting the place where Tammie and I met. Man have things changed! (yes...we bought baby clothes).

I was just doing a search for any interesting information relating to SFA (aside from the fact that the football team lost EVERY SINGLE GAME this year...) and found this article about an asteroid discovered by SFA University astronomers who then named it after the university -- Sfasu (as the asteroid is now called) is actually considered a 'minor planet' in the solar system and takes 3.68 years to orbit the sun.

I guess good things do come out of Nac -- minor planets named 'Sfasu' and Little Baby Acuff!


Thursday, November 15, 2007


Okay, maybe a little creepy. I can see you through the computer now -- brow furrowed; mouth half opened trying to form the question running through your mind; no words can be uttered, simply, uh...

DOCTOR Shashoua is our (well, Tammie's) doctor. I know, I know...I had trouble with it at first. Just think Joshua, then put a SHA- in front. In reality, that is exactly what I had to do just to remember from minute to minute. It is really hard trying to have a conversation with someone in this fashion:

"So, doctor... (okay, joshua, joshua, SHASHOUA), Dr. Shashoua, is her stomach REALLY supposed to be doing that?!"

You get used to it after a while (now I only have to say 'joshua' in my head once!), and to be fair, he really is a good doctor. And Tammie really likes him. This is a really good thing since you never, EVER, want to really make a pregnant woman really mad at you...FOR ANY REASON! (I'm a really slow learner and still really trying to get this one under control...) UPDATE: (I noticed the obsessive use of 'really' in two consecutive sentences and decided to correct the now it is REALLY obessive!)

Another visit to the doctor today and another good check up. This was a big test because Tammie had to have blood drawn to test her blood sugar. Hopefully it will be below 90 (whatever IT is...), then there won't be any problems and no "special" diet (we all know what that means). And it would be a good thing too, because the cravings are hamburgers and sweets (there is a huge bucket of Halloween candy just waiting to be devoured). Plus, if Tammie has to go on a "special" diet, then everyone living at 1003 Forest Trail has to be (you all are lucky you got out when you's going to be a bumpy ride).

Enough for tonight; Tammie wants the computer to pay bills (why? Who knows...). More later...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Chairs are Here, The Chairs are Here!!!

You would be excited too if the only way you could sleep was in a recliner...

As with most (if not all) pregnancies, sleeping becomes a real issue, and Tammie has has some of those issues. All the doctors say that you can't sleep on your back unless you are reclining, but of course, if you are reclining, then you can't sleep. Ah the irony...

So our next (and brilliant, if I do say so myself) plan was to buy a recliner for Tammie. Since they are supposed to recline (hence the name, recliner) they will hopefully be more comfortable for Tammie and allow her to get some much needed sleep. Heck, if it works for her, maybe I'll try sleeping in a recliner. Of course, with Tammie in the recliner, I now have the bed all to myself!

And the sweetest part of the deal was three words: Two-for-One! I GET ONE TOO!!!